Launched in 2013, Good2Talk is a free, confidential support service for post-secondary students in Ontario.
For many, post-secondary can be an exciting and, at times, stressful or overwhelming experience. Good2Talk can support students through a wide range of issues that may be impacting their mental health and well-being, including depression, anxiety, substance use, academic stress, personal or family relationships, loneliness, identity, financial concerns and other challenges.
By connecting with Good2Talk, post-secondary students can receive professional counselling, volunteer crisis support and information and referrals about mental health services and supports on and off campus.
No matter what you’re going through, Good2Talk is available 24/7. We’re Good2Talk whenever you need us!

Who provides these services?
Good2Talk is a partnership between four organizations: ConnexOntario, Kids Help Phone, Ontario 211 and the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions. Good2Talk is also a proud partner of Kids Help Phone’s texting service. Good2Talk is funded by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.